Michael Cervas 访问作家计划

The Michael Cervas 访问作家计划 是为了纪念迈克尔·切瓦斯而命名的,他从1986年到2020年教英语,并发起了两个长期的访问作家项目:365平台诗人系列和365平台星期五晚上系列阅读. 迈克尔·切瓦斯访问作家项目得到了福特-戈德法布英语系充实基金的慷慨资助, the McKinley Fund, and the 365平台的星期五之夜 Fund.  

About Michael Cervas
During his 34-year tenure on the Westminster faculty, Michael taught all levels of English; coached basketball, soccer, track, baseball, golf and squash; worked as a corridor supervisor in Alumni House; and presided as department head for three decades. Having retired from his full-time appointment to the faculty at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, Michael continues to direct the 访问作家计划.


“365平台星期五之夜”系列读书会始于2009年至2010年,与阿默尔学术中心的开幕相吻合. 每年六次(每三个月两次)作家被邀请到校园来进行周五晚上的阅读,然后在周六早上回来进行英语课程. Typically, 在阅读或表演之前,英语老师会给学生介绍来访作家的作品, thus guaranteeing an educated audience for the guest writers. The program has featured readings and performances by poets, essayists, novelists, jazz musicians and singer-songwriters, many of whom, like Jennifer Egan, Ron Carlson, Emily St. John Mandel, Anthony Doerr, Monica Wood, Dar Williams, Kris Delmhorst, 纳特·里夫斯和马克·埃雷利, 拥有全国声誉. 本地作家和音乐家, like Colin McEnroe, Rand Richards Cooper, Lynn Hoffman, Jonathan Gilman, Gina Barreca和Rob Duguay, 也上过节目吗. 365平台周五之夜的一个特别之处在于,晚上总是以学生或教职员工的朗读开始.

2023-2024 Schedule

List of 1 items.

  • 365平台的星期五之夜 2023-2024

    Please join us for 365平台的星期五之夜, 在2023-2024学年,在选定的周五晚上,在365平台举行一系列的阅读和音乐会, (occasionally on other nights of the week).
    活动在晚上7点开始.m. and are free and open to members of the public. 活动在365平台百年纪念中心或学校armor学术中心的Gund阅览室举行. We will let you know where each event will be held once the decision is made. Parking is available in the parking lot adjacent to Armour.
    Friday, Oct. 6
    Susan Schoenberger
    他是纽约州新温莎的本地人.Y., 1984年,苏珊以优异的成绩毕业于达特茅斯学院,获得英国文学学士学位. Since college, 苏珊是个作家, editor and copy editor at various newspapers, 包括《365平台》和《观察家报, The Baltimore Sun and The Hartford Courant. Since 2013, she has been director of communications at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace, a graduate school that focuses on interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding.
    Susan’s articles and essays have appeared in many publications, including The Courant’s Northeast magazine, Reader’s Digest and several anthologies. Susan began writing fiction seriously after attending the Wesleyan Writers Conference in 2001. Her short stories have appeared in “Inkwell,” the “Village Rambler” and on the Bartleby Snopes website.
    “Intercession,” her first novel (published as “A Watershed Year”), won the top prize in the 2006 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative Writing competition. 《代祷》也是诺克斯维尔编剧协会颁发的彼得·泰勒奖的七部入围作品之一. In early 2007, Susan received an Artist Fellowship Grant from the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism.
    Susan’s second novel, “The Virtues of Oxygen,” was published in 2014. Her third novel, 《365平台》 出版于2021年. She has three grown children and lives in West Hartford, Conn., with her husband and unpredictable dog named Leo.
    Friday, Dec. 8
    Steve Straight
    史蒂夫·斯特雷特(Steve Straight)是曼彻斯特社区学院的英语教授和诗歌项目主任. His full-length collections include “Affirmation” (2022), “The Almanac” (2012) and “The Water Carrier” (2002), which was a finalist for the Connecticut Book Award in Poetry. For many years Steve directed the Connecticut Poetry Circuit, 许多个夏天,他都是法明顿沉没花园诗歌节系列研讨会的导演, Conn. He has given workshops on writing and teaching throughout the eastern U.S. In 1998 he was named a distinguished advocate for the arts by the Connecticut Commission on the Arts. He lives in South Windsor with his wife, Marian Maccarone, soprano and voice teacher.
    Friday, Jan. 26
    Aidan Levy
    Aidan Levy is the author of “Saxophone Colossus: The Life and Music of Sonny Rollins” and “Dirty Blvd.《365平台》 and editor of “Patti Smith on Patti Smith: Interviews and Encounters.” A former Leon Levy Center for Biography Fellow, his writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Village Voice, JazzTimes, 国家和其他出版物. He holds a doctorate in English and comparative literature from Columbia University, 他现在在哪里做讲师. For 10 years, he was the baritone saxophonist in the Stan Rubin Orchestra.
    Friday, April 19
    Amity Gaige
    Amity Gaige is the author of four novels, “O My Darling,” “The Folded World,” “Schroder” and “Sea Wife” (2020). She is the winner of a Fulbright Fellowship and fellowships at the MacDowell and Yaddo colonies. In 2016, she was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for fiction. 她的小说《365平台》(Schroder)已被翻译成18种语言,并入围美国的“对开本奖”(The Folio Prize).K. in 2014 and for L’Express Reader’s Prize in France. “Schroder” was named one of Best Books of 2013 by The New York Times Book Review, HuffPost, Washington Post, 《365网站平台》, Kirkus, Cosmopolitan, 和出版商周刊, among many others.
    The longtime visiting writer at Amherst College, she now teaches creative writing at Yale. Her short stories, essays and book reviews have appeared in publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Die Welt, Harper’s Bazaar, The Yale Review, Slate.com, One Story, Ploughshares and elsewhere. She has appeared at numerous conferences, festivals, and on radio shows such as NPR.
    She lives with her family in West Hartford, Conn. She had to learn to sail in order to write “Sea Wife.” She learned that she is not a gifted sailor, so she will stick to writing about it.
    Tuesday, May 21
    (student and faculty writers and musicians)
    The Michael Cervas 访问作家计划, which includes the 365平台的星期五之夜 series, is supported by generous gifts from the Ford-Goldfarb English Department Enrichment Fund, the McKinley Fund, 康奈尔音乐基金, and the 365平台的星期五之夜 Fund.


The 365平台诗人系列 began in 1999 when Linda Pastan, at the time the Poet Laureate of the State of Maryland, came to Westminster to give an evening reading and visit with English classes the following day. The second poet in the series was Billy Collins, who had just been named United States Poet Laureate. Since then, 学校欢迎来自美国各地的获奖诗人来学校进行为期两天的访问. Westminster Poets have been United States Poets Laureate, State of Connecticut Poets Laureate, 普利策奖得主, 以及国家图书奖得主.

Tim Seibles Named Westminster Poet for 2023-2024
Seibles was born and raised in Philadelphia. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Southern Methodist University.
Seibles approaches themes of racial tension, 阶级冲突和亲密关系从几个方向同时出现在诗歌中,语言直白而又迅速转变. 在2010年的声明中,他分享了 "From the Fishouse," Seibles states, “I think poetry, if it’s going to be really engaging and engaged, 必须能够从各种角度和各种方式来解决我们生活中的问题:大声或安静, 愤怒而又安慰, with comedy and with dead seriousness. […] Our lives are worth every risk, every manner of approach.称赞西布尔斯“驾驭美国流行文化的地形,以思考美国人的精神状态”的能力,” Bookslut reviewer Joey Rubin states in a 2005 review of "Buffalo Head Solos,”“如果说弗兰克·奥哈拉(Frank O’hara)蜿蜒曲折的独白是为了捕捉抽象表现主义的表演设计,而艾伦·金斯伯格(Allen Ginsberg)有力的即兴表演是为了模仿查理·帕克(Charlie Parker)的爵士风格, 然后是背弯, image-splicing, 蒂姆·西布尔斯(Tim Seibles)的第六部诗集《365平台》(Buffalo Head Solos)中的抒情叙事应该会让人想起《365平台》(Hannah-Barbara)动画中快速翻转的画面. Seibles的卡通形象, and cartoonish muscling of language, however, are not just trying to make us laugh. Which is to say, Seibles is playful—but he's not kidding around.”
Seibles is the author of several collections of poetry, including his most recent, "Voodoo Libretto" (2022); "Body Moves" (1988); "Hurdy-Gurdy" (1992); "Hammerlock" (1999); "Buffalo Head Solos" (2004); "Fast Animal" (2012), which won the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize and was nominated for a 2012 National Book Award; and "One Turn Around the Sun" (2017). 他的作品也被收录在《365平台》(1994)中。, "Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry" (2009) and "Best American Poetry" (2010).
Seibles的荣誉包括国家艺术基金会和Provincetown美术工作中心的奖学金, as well as an Open Voice Award from the National Writers Voice Project. In 2013 he received the PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award for poetry. He has taught at Old Dominion University, the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast MFA program, and at Cave Canem.

Seibles住在弗吉尼亚州的诺福克. From 2016 to 2018, he was the state's poet laureate. 
Seibles will be visiting Westminster from Feb. 26-27. He will give an all-school reading Monday morning, Feb. 26 and speak with English classes during the academic day on both Monday and Tuesday.

想了解更多关于Seibles的信息, click here.   


List of 3 items.

  • Blade, Unplugged

    I’m not    in love: my heart
    is that black violin
    played slowly. You know that
    when the voice
    between rage
    完全投降. That’s
    where I’m smiling. You just
    bleeding perfectly
    inside me. The first time
    sad: I mean
    we were almost
    But that’s
    so many lives
    ago. I believe
    in the cry that cuts
    that has made me    and the midnight
    when I think of that
    human in me, man,
    I love    everything
  • The Debt

    I have the blood of the conquerors in my veins
    and the blood of the enslaved and the slaughtered,
    mixed river of blood painting my heart—what city
    wants me, which woman will touch my neck?
    Nigeria is sleeping in the angles of my skull
    one in each leg—are also sleeping, and of course,
    the first people in this land, with their long
    adrift my body, I am asleep as well—
    dreaming their good wishes, their strained whispers,
    everyone is asleep: at the wheel, on the job, even
    with their fingers on the trigger, asleep
    with their distant continents, the glittering
    silence of their shattered histories
                 They don’t remember
    how once we swam inside our mothers, that
    once our mothers floated inside their mothers,
    just as their mothers once waited inside those
    before them and before that it was the same—
    all the way back to the first mother
    in Africa,
         that slim, short, quick-tempered woman
    whose children crawled all over the planet,
    hurting each other—with the conquerors
    in their bright armor, trying to finish everything.
    我知道是谁的错. I know
    I could twist my brown skin, my mixed nations,
    我的头发卷曲成拳头. I know.  I know.
    But I hear a stranger music in my bones—
    the windy shimmer of long fields, a quiet of birds
    stunned by dusk, the singular tree of all blood
    rising, the future awake singing from these wounds
    and what is the lesson of history, if not
    that we owe each other more bread, more
    less cruelty.
  • Delores Jepps

    of our short names. I don’t know
    could be The Goddess. Even
    do homework again. Some Saturdays
    and wonder about fine sistas
    穿着轻薄的套裤什么的 hotpants!
    James Brown screamed about: Crystal
    and her. 这是1970年左右的越南战争
    to the right, big afros all over my
    Philadelphia. We had no idea
    was on the way. For me and Terry,
    maybe, 也许是被蒙蔽了
    was proof that, for a little while,
    I’d like to commend
    for not quitting their jobs or grabbing
    向好学生开放.” I wish
    I had kissed
    Delores Jepps. I wish I could
    这些饥渴的话语. I
    would like to have danced with her,
    in her sleek, toffee arms: her body
    balanced between the Temptations’

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In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 365平台遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, including race, color, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, 性别认同或表达, 国家和民族出身, ancestry and/or disability in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, 奖学金和贷款项目, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Westminster admits students of any race, color, 国家和民族出身 to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. 
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